Pork loin in creola sauce

Pork loin in creola sauce  

                           (Pork loin with tomato sauce, potatoes, onions and peppers)


Garlic mushrooms

Garlic mushrooms

“Milanesa Napolitana”

                     “Milanesa Napolitana”                                             
                (Breaded  and fried beef steak with  tomato sauce, ham and cheese)

Flavored mashed potatoes

Flavored mashed potatoes

Duck Magret with salad and chimichurri sauce

Duck Magret with salad and chimichurri sauce

French fries

French fries

Tenderloin with Malbec sauce and glazzed carrots

Tenderloin with Malbec sauce and glazzed carrots

Baked potatoes with gorgonzola sauce

   Baked potatoes with gorgonzola sauce


Tenderloin with Malbec sauce flavored with truffle and foie

Tenderloin with Malbec sauce flavored with truffle and foie



Situaded in the suburbs of Buenos Aires and originally a forgotten railway pass...
With the pass of the years, that area gave place to a meager population to settle there...
It was then, in the heart of La Boca neighborhood, that the famous painter Quinquela Martín, with the help of other artists, gave colour to the humble houses in the area, creating a meeting place for them and the “tangueros”...
In the future, it became one of the most important and classic places in the whole city...
Is the faithful representation of the feelings of their hosts, Sergio and Alberto, where colours are transformed into flavours and the tango´s passion reflects itself in a glass of wine...
Located in the White Coast, Caminito offers the ideal location for thew ones who loves the fine food combined with a fine taste, to share then a lovely night and an unforgettable experience, where traditional and innovative cuisine take place with the creativity and passion of the chef.

 Vinos de gran calidad premiados Argentinos



Home made cream caramel

Home made cream caramel      

Ice cream

  Ice cream  
(Chocolate, vanilla, caramel or lemon)

Pancake with caramel “Caminito”

    Pancake with caramel “Caminito”

Dessert of the day

Dessert of the day

Chocolate volcano with vanilla ice cream

Chocolate volcano with vanilla ice cream

Don Pedro

                                                     Don Pedro                                                                                     
(Vanilla ice cream, whisky, nuts and caramel sauce)

Roasted sweet potatoes

Roasted sweet potatoes

Grilled chicken breast

Grilled chicken breast

Pork loin

Pork loin

